TLMHR Gift Shop 2

Hale's Green Mountain Morgan 42
Print: 8 1/2" x 11"

Cost: $20 S & H included. Send check /money order to:

Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385
(636) 332-9346 email:



by Chester F. Treftc

Chet was always in search of knowledge. This booklet was originally published in the 1950's and contains Chet's theory on "Round and Square".
Finis or Future is now available for a limited amount of time at the introductory price of $30 which includes S/H in the continental U.S.
Included within the booklet is a foreword from Bob Schaumberg as well as numerous quotes/stories from Barbara Treftc.
Booklet is 8 1/2" wide and 11" in height. Total of 50 pages includes front and back pages which are on parchment paper.

Send a $30 check made out to The Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry, Inc. to:

Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385

Phone orders: Deborah Siegrist; 636-332-9346


The Men Behind the Lippitt Morgan I

TLMHR, Inc. is offering a collectible, limited edition print of "The Men Behind the Lippitt Morgan I. This is a "must have" for serious Lippitt Morgan enthusiasts!. This glossy photo print of our prominent historical breed founders is an 8 1/2" x 11" print with accompanying pages on parchment paper giving a brief synopsis of each man. Also included is a key identifying who each man is in the print .
The background is of Elmer Darling's Mountain View Barn taken by photographer Linda Orlomoski.
This is a limited edition offering. Each print will be stamped and numbered. This educational material is a wonderful gift for someone interested in our breed's founding fathers, or as a gift to yourself. Price includes shipping and handling.
The price is an "introductory offer" at $25.
Please contact:
Deborah Siegrist at
Send check or money order to:
Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385


Hale's Green Mountain Morgan 42 PC Mouse Pad

Cost: $15.50 includes S/H

Height: 9.25"
Width: 7.75"
Portrait Orientation
Great Printing Quality- Full color image of GMM42 with vibrant permanent colors that will not fade.

Make check out to: TLMHR, Inc.
Send to:
TLMHR, Inc./Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385


The History, Standard of Perfection & Judging Outline for the Morgan Horse

Clarence D. Parks, V.M.D.

Approved and adopted by TLMHR, Inc. Many thanks to The Mid-West Morgan Horse Owners, Inc. for allowing us to adopt this outline for the Morgan horse.

This booklet contains the *complete* dissertation and analysis for the Morgan horse as he should be with regards to "type." Type is an ideal standard of perfection combining all the characteristics which contribute to the animal's value and efficiency for the purpose specified. The History, the Standard of Perfection, and a System of Judging the Morgan horse are included within the 30 page booklet.

Cost:  $17 which includes S/H.

Make check out to: TLMHR, Inc.
Send to:
TLMHR, Inc./Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385



The Morgan Horse From Earliest Descriptions

Lyle E. Horton Memorial Ancient Morgan Archive

New from The Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry, Inc.!

This booklet presents gathered information on the general appearance that most closely resembled Figure from articles describing the early Morgan.  Justin Morgan’s description can be found in Linsley’s “Morgan horses:  A Premium Essay.”  Those in this volume closely agree with that and Linsley’s description of the Morgan in his day.
All images are for the purpose of illustrating Original Morgan Type.  Other topics are directed toward the rescue of True Morgan Type within the Lippitt Morgan population.
The  booklet is 88 pages of informative information with color and gray scale images. The size is 8.5" x 11".
Article index includes 18 topics.  Great for a gift and a must for your Morgan horse library!
Cost:  $30 which includes S/H.

Make check out to: TLMHR, Inc.
Send to:
TLMHR, Inc./Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385


Hale's Green Mountain Morgan 42 T-Shirt

Gray t-shirts. Gildan t-shirt; 50% cotton & 50% polyester. Will not shrink.
M-L-XL- 2XL; $20 includes S/H.

Make check out to: TLMHR, Inc.
Send to:
TLMHR, Inc./Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385

Hale's Green Mountain Morgan horse is the horse that is on every AMHA registration certificate

H.S. Wardner at the VT State Fair Sept. 21, 1911.

"I believe we should stand up for the ancient Morgan type because it was better than any modern or ancient amendment of it, because it was the best type identified with the name and breed of the Morgan horse and because it was the type that gave to the breed its lasting reputation.  I think we should aim to breed stallions that equal in all respects such a horse as Hale's Green Mountain Morgan.  Our pattern is therefore fixed already.  That is our standard.  We are not groping for something that has never existed except in the cloudy imagination of an individual nor are we confused by or working at cross purposes by reason of schemes and ideals as numerous and widely variant as are the minds of horse-breeders generally.  We are united on a clearly defined object.  We can succeed even if all other Morgan breeders fall.  If the annual exhibition of Morgans at the Vermont State Fair are helping to bring order out of chaos by an increasing tendency towards uniformity of type it is due primarily to the fact that in the minds of breeders, exhibitors and judges we are creating the image of the ancient Morgan type.
I do not believe that our purpose will soon be achieved.  I think it will be years before another Hale's Green Mountain Morgan is born; but we have our defined type to work for.  That is an immense advantage."


Hale's Green Mountain Morgan 42 Head on Faded Glory

Gildan DryBlend 5.6 oz. 50/50 T-Shirt; Sport Grey
Washing instructions: Wash inside out, tumble dry low.
Cost: $27 includes S/H

Make check out to: TLMHR, Inc.

Send to:
TLMHR, Inc./Deborah Siegrist
27 Forrester Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385