Lippitt Morgans For Sale Page 1
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TLMH Registry, Inc.
Jacquie Schaumberg, 29456 Edgewood Springs, Warrenton, MO 63383
The following is a listing of Lippitts for sale according to gender as well as Lippitt Stallions at stud.
Lippitt Stallions
Lippitt Geldings
Lippitt Mares
Lippitt Stallions at Stud
Okan Count on Me
2015 Lippitt Morgan Stallion (Okan Storm King x Okan Duchess)
Proven producer of quality foals!
Standing at stud in 2025 by live cover and frozen semen
Additional photos of Count can be seen in his album on our Tindo Morgans Facebook Page:
Barbara Friesenhahn
Thornapple Farms Proudly Offers the Following Stallions at Stud:
KWR Sir Myst Legacy ("Ace"); (Ryegate Surprise x Hillside Alert Misty). Ace has consistently displayed the soul of a champion within the quintessential gentleman. He is a vessel of Old Vermont blood and Morgan type. His illustrious pedigree includes the famous Moro Hill's Adonis and the great sport mare, Lippitt Ethan Georgia, who he brings to us in just 3 generations. This royal mare line brings forward in Ace the blood of Woodbury and Sherman. Ace is truly an extraordinary stallion who provides breeders a rare opportunity to infuse the blood of a legendary mare line in their programs. Ace is 23.4071% JM1 Blood (per Telford). When Ace was 2, his foundation trainer, Katrina Benington-Crie, predicted, "Ace has incredible potential. He is absolutely an outstanding Sport Horse." She was prophetic. Ace demonstrated that potential in capturing the Championship in the hotly contested, prestigious 2004 Maine Morgan Sport Horse Breeders Cup (and other blue ribbons in the Show Ring in hand that year). In the years since then he has commanded attention, and blue ribbons, in Open Dressage. With every year, he just gets better. With all this to extol him, plus his good looks, the very best about Ace is his disposition. He is smart, kind, and easy. His offspring have intelligence, strong bone, pretty head, short back, big motor. We discovered Ace when he was 4 months old; he has proved to be everything he promised- and more.
Linda Ashar
Vermilion, OH
Devine Cool Hand Luke- (Sandrock Joel x M Classic Tabby Sue); foaled 05-28-2009; brown stallion, homozygous for black. Three time World Champion in reining. Luke won the 2023, 2024 WC Non Pro in reining and the 2023, 2024 Grand Champion in Ranch Reining at the Morgan Grand National and World Championship Show in OKC. He also won the 2021 World Champion and Reserve Grand National Champion in Reining. He also won the Ranch Trail class in OKC this year. He has been shown in Open competition where he is competing against Quarter horses usually finishing somewhere in the middle to upper end of the classes. He did win a NRHA class. He was shown at the 2024 NMRHA Working Western World Championship in the NP Ranch Horse Versatility where he placed 2nd. Versatility riders show in 5 classes, Ranch Cutting, Working Ranch horse, Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, and Ranch Conformation. Luke has it all. Type, conformation, disposition, athletic ability and heart. Available via frozen semen $750. Contact us for more information. See more of Luke on our website at:
Contact Chris Holm: 406-362-4632 or
"The Red" aka River Riders Riddler
(Winloc Major Gifford
x River Riders Rhapsody); foaled 05-22-2006; The Red is extremely intelligent and kind, yet possesses that sought after nerve force that is described by historical documents as being a "particularity" of the Morgan breed. He has a correct neck that sits on top of rather than in front of the shoulder thereby making him seem taller than his 14.1 H height. His back is short as are his legs (short limbed) with flat legs, short from knee to pastern, close jointed, possessing immense power for his size. His quarters are broad and the body compact, heavy and round. Weight: 1015 lbs.
Deborah Siegrist:
636-332-9346, leave message; located in Wentzville, MO