Friends of the Registry
The Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry has had a lot going on in 2022. New foals are arriving so remember to register them with us.....$45 for DNA and certificate complete. Also, there is NO penalty for registering an older Lippitt Morgan with us if they meet the standard criteria for purebred registration. Our DNA is done through Texas A&M.
Please avail yourselves to our wonderful website: for educational materials posted and also our gift shop with collector items and educational materials. Remember that we have NO members (hence, no dues) and NO salaries, so sales and donations are always appreciated. We are a 501c3 tax deductible status. Our For Sale and At Stud Ads also get a lot of interest so consider us and this website for both For Sale and At Stud for your farm.
Our Facebook page is very active as well. Please post pictures and information regarding your Purebred Lippitts there to share with the Lippitt registry and those interested in Lippitt Morgans.
In March 2022 The Registry had the amazing opportunity to attend Equifest Kansas in Salina, Kansas, produced annually by the Kansas Horse Council. This event drew over 17,000 attendees over the 3 days. The Lippitt and the Registry were beautifully represented by two wonderful Lippitts: Devine Cool Hand Luke and Chris Holm from Montana and Ash Royalty Rowan Moro with Emma and Sydney Myers from Kansas. Luke had just won several titles in Reining at the Grand National Morgan Show in the late fall. Rowan is shown in hunt seat pleasure, halter, local shows, 4H/FFA, and is a family trail horse. Both horses attracted a great deal of attention and we had lots of people following us back to the barn after each performance. I was also able to do a sales booth all 3 days and give informational/educational materials out, and also do two presentations in the Presentation Hall “It IS Important to Save This Horse”.
We also were in the ENDANGERED BREEDS DEMOS there and drew crowds to come watch us perform and interact with the attendees. We were able to have our Endangered Status read in all performances and many people were shocked, including the announcers, that THIS breed of horse is Critically Endangered. We were also interviewed in real time and also for online publication by “Everything Horse and Livestock Magazine”.
Our plan to attend the Garfield Farm Museum Heritage Animal day in May was cancelled, due to weather. We hope to be able to attend that again next year. It’s another wonderful venue to show off and tell about our Lippitt Morgans, in Illinois.
If any of our Friends of the Registry would like to represent the Lippitt Morgan and the Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry at events, please contact me and possibly I could help with ideas and information.
Thank you all for supporting the Lippitt Morgan and The Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry. Keep breeding quality Lippitts and get them out and seen by the public. I so enjoy showing people WHY they would want a true Original Morgan for today and their versatility and family usefulness. It is very rewarding to spread this word.
Laura Ross, Secretary, The Lippitt Morgan Horse Registry, Inc.